Family Therapy

You can create the changes you want.

Families are for life. Invest in building healthy long term relationships.

Kristina is skilled at identifying the root cause, not just the symptoms of the struggles your family is facing.  By targeting the underlying reasons for the external struggle, Kristina’s approach to family therapy will help you to finally experience relief. She will work with you to repair and rebuild the relationships in your family so that everyone will finally feel heard, loved, and respected. 


Slowing down to move fast.

In our fast pace society, we often feel rushed, or like there isn’t enough time. Kristina creates family therapy as a space to slow down together. She is focused on emotion education, communication skills, and building connection with your family. Once we take the time to slow down, it can create space to move at our desired pace. 


What is family therapy?
Family therapy is a type of therapy for multiple members of one family unit that are struggling with conflict, communication, relationships, or any other issue creating suffering. A family meets together with a therapist to work together to understand what is creating the problems, learn skills, and work to make things better.
Who needs to attend family therapy?

It can vary from family to family. Sometimes one parent and child dyad are who needs to attend, sometimes it is multiple parents and children. Schedule a consultation call with Kristina and discuss what makes the most sense for your family today!

What if my child seems to be the only one causing problems?

Family therapy can be a great support even when it feels like one family member is the one that is struggling. Family therapy can be a space for collaboration, understanding, and building empathy to grow relationships with one another. This can really support the member who is struggling the most, and those who love them!

How old does my child/children have to be?

It depends! Typically Kristina works best with pre-teens and up. Since family compositions vary so much, it is best to schedule a consultation call with Kristina and discuss your needs/goals and together, you can decide what the best approach for your family is. Adult children are welcome too! Families are for life, it is never too late to improve relationships.


Kristina (828) 276-3589
Sarah (828) 457-8814
537 College St #101
Asheville, NC 28801